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Denbigh Primary School is situated in Luton, Bedfordhire, approximately 30 miles from London. There are 660 pupils on roll, 35 teachers and 38 teaching assistants. The pupils are aged between 4 and 11 years old. Our pupils come from one of the most deprived areas of town. Most of them are from Bangladeshi or Pakistani backgrounds, though do have colleagues and staff who represent over 20 different nationalities. The vast majority of our pupils speak English as an additional language. We have been judged as a good school and are aspiring to become outstanding. The delivery of an outstanding curriculum – one which will fully engage our pupils and inspire them to learn, is fundamental to our aims. Our pupils  learn very little of British culture, European or World culture outside of school, so it is crucial that we provide as many opportunities as possible to develop a sense of wider identity. 

Why "The different colours of music"?

Denbigh Primary School took part in a few EU projects. Most of the school pupils are from a muslim background. Some years ago for muslim students music was a low priority and the children did not sing. The head introduced music throughout the school and across the curriculum.  Now groups of muslim boys performing in a string orchestra boast in front of a packed audience of their parents. This type of practice has transformed their school. As our project is like their last interventions connecting music and self confidence in terms of requiring mainly joy and practice together, the students and teachers feel  music, art and rhythm to be able to share a joy of creating new songs, texts, dances and even instruments when necessary.  By means of the joy of practices, the project inspired all the participants to explore European countries and their cultures.

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