The Different Colours of Music
Erasmus Plus Project N. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036699

Music for Everyone, Music with Everyone
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Music Therapy workshop
The second LTT was held at Denbigh Primary School in Luton, from 15th to 21st April 2018.
Partners enjoyed a demonstration of music therapy involving Denbigh Primary School children. This was delivered by the schools professional music therapist. Partners also enjoyed a singing and drumming workshop which allows them to express emotions by using instruments and voice.
An English folk dance lesson was led by a year 5 class and everyone participated in traditional games on the school playground to ensure social interaction. Pupils were also taught a modern dance led by the Denbigh dance enrichment club and were challenged to adapt or add to this before performing in mixed nationality teams.
By the help of some professional musicians, all the group could experience the pleasure of music improvisation. With the use of percussions,, each one had the possibility to play his own music, but also to follow the others with their rhythms and energy in order to create a sort of orchestra. Students enjoyed so much this workshop and felt enthusiastic of having played a piece of music.
Later, students participated to a music therapy workshop during which, with the combining use of different kinds of music ( relaxing, joyful, sad etc.) and moving around a big room without any limits, everyone has experienced his own emotions and most of all had the possibility to expressthem by the help of gestures, facial expressions but couldn’t speak at all. For someone, this body contact with almost unknown guys, was not usual or banal and enhanced different kinds of emotions.
Later all the group had at its disposal different kinds of colours, different materials, big white cardboards on which paint with various brushes or with hands the emotion felt in that particular situation or kind of music. Some groups created some real works of art!And it was amazing watching concretely the different colours of music!
Each partner country performed its typical dance and taught some steps to the other countries. This was an occasion of happiness and relaxation for everybody because music and mouvement instill in students self confidence and well being. Each performance or activites has been recorded and uploaded on youtube and on the website.
After all the activities, students and teachers answered to a questionnaire aiming at evaluating their attitude towards specific aspects of the workshop and also the repercussions the whole experience had on them.
The results showed that they had a chance to be more familiar with emotional and physical needs of different kinds of individuals, learned to integrate the diversity of the group and to stimulate their creativity through music, learned to identify and share their feelings and emotions through objects or through the music therapy activities, felt positive sensations in a well-being climate, positive sensations in a well-being climate during the workshops.