The Different Colours of Music
Erasmus Plus Project N. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036699

Music for Everyone, Music with Everyone
“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”

The first LTT was held in Krakow, from 21st to 25th January 2018.
The Workshop conducted by Polish experts focused on “Identifying emotions”. The aim of workshop was: how to use of music as non-verbal communication tool to express each person's feelings.
Participants tried to express emotions by using different instruments, sounds and objects. The Polish team provided for some objects made in plastic, wood or metal. In circle, and listening to different melodies by famous classical composers, each participant had to express the feeling the song arised in him or her and, consequently, expressed it using an object.
Then there was a common singing the carrol: Cicha noc /Silent night in 6 different languages.
Students presented their work about collecting bird voices. Everybody listened to them and then we shared the sensations they conveyed to us.
Then a sport activity took place. Two games for blind: showdown and goalball by using a sound to play.
Students and teachers who attended the workshops answered to a questionnaire about the contribution that the workshops give to them. The results proved that for the most part of the participants the activities increased their motivation to learn European languages; the social interaction increased their self-confidence and self-respect; the activities helped them to have more positive attitudes towards other European communities and increased their cooperation skills. They realized the cultural, linguistic and social richness of European community and had a chance to be more familiar with emotional and physical needs of different kinds of individuals. They learned to identify emotions, simply listening sounds or music, to express themselves and their emotions through objects or musical instruments, and how they can communicate throughout music or sounds using non-verbal responses. They stated to had acquired lifelong skills for their school life and for their personal development.
The contact with blind and visual impaired students in that school was a strong experience for everybody: to get in contact with them and with the difficulties they have to face in everyday life, let the whole group be more conscious about its own capabilities and possibilities and to appreciate them. Everybody had the opportunity to be friend with them and discover their needs but also their inner motivation to succeed in their life.