The Different Colours of Music
Erasmus Plus Project N. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036699

Music for Everyone, Music with Everyone
“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”

Positive Changes Association is a group of people interested in the international work in the fields of education and culture.
Our aim is to work with children, youth and people with fewer opportunities. Our association supports also the European integration by cooperation of people from other countries in organizing together social and cultural events.
Our group is a social active community, who want to share and improve experiences by implementing common actions and projects.
The general aim of our team is to develop adapted training methodologies in vulnerable groups (unskilled, aged, migrants, physically impaired, low income) in order to increase their motivation to learn and to counter feelings of resignation and apathy.
The seat of Association is Lomianki - close to Warsaw in Poland but at the start their activities covers the whole area in Poland and their members and volunteers are from the whole country. Diversity of work places improves the quality of teaching abilities. Their tutors/ teachers/ volunteers in past cooperated in different UE projects.

Why "The different colours of music"?
Since 2014 their institution has cooperated with the Special School for Blind and Partially Sighted People in Krakow (Tyniecka 6). To implement this project together their institution has signed a contract related to this project.
They cooperate with various specialists (computer scientists, psychologists, therapists, linguists, lawyers, music and science teachers) who help them in common activities.
Their students learn only basic Braille notes, and all the tracks recreate by the hearing. The instruments they play include: organ, piano, flute, percussion, violin. Only musicography (analysis and description of the music) where students learn musical notation is teaching in the group. Students also participate in different activities (choir, vocal and instrumental ensembles, instrumental, vocal and dance) and theoretical (ear training, rhythm, music programs). Students play concerts together, and once a year a concert with the orchestra. The teachers are high specialized in teaching music to blind students and thay can convey to the partners the best methods to get the best results.