The Different Colours of Music
Erasmus Plus Project N. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036699

Music for Everyone, Music with Everyone
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The second Transnational Meeting was held in Cité Scolaire René Pellet in Villeurbanne, from 9th to 14th October 2019
There was a feedback from the carried out meetings, local and transnational activities, evaluation of the impact on the participants, and the discussion on any problems or difficulties that emerged. In addition, during this second TM, the group planned the following activities making the necessary corrections to improve some aspects of the project.
The French hosting school’s peculiarity is the inclusion and training education of visually impaired and blind students ; so all the activities carried out in that TM were characterized by this attention and show of how to teach, learn, behave as blind people.
The teachers and staff participating to the meeting started it with the welcoming singing representation by French pupils, from the primary school in French and in English.
The first session of the Transnational meeting took place: Ice breaking activity held by Italian partners to express in what way the activities done and the mobilities enriched skills and knowledge and pointing out negative aspects emerged during the first 12 months of the project. The group underlined the following aspects: the project enhanced great collaboration, a positive atmosphere from the beginning; each partner learned a lot about music, songs and traditional dances of each country; it was a good challenge to compose songs and share the outcomes; students with special needs and coming from disadvantaged areas had a big opportunity to travel and know new countries; it was also a good opportunity to compare different school systems and to help the English school with no music teaching to discover and appreciate a new way of communication.
In order to deeply understand how a blind person manages his everyday life, the French group invited the participants to take part to a special dinner “in total dark” in a restaurant handled by blind people: it was an emotional and empathic experience.
One of the tasks of this meeting was to listen to the “colour song” that each country composed and to write the plot.
We agreed on the whole organization of the final show.
A dance workshop held by a professional French Folk dance teacher was a very amusing and gathering moment which created a connection and bonds between all participants.
Another important moment was lunch taken in the catering department of the French Vocational school. Meals were prepared and served by visually impaired students. In that way they gained in confidence.
All participants attended a Braille initiation session conducted by two Braille teachers. During these lessons partners experienced how blind youngest students learn to read and write using Braille tools, and how older students learn to use technological tools that could help them to support their professional life.