The Different Colours of Music
Erasmus Plus Project N. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036699

Music for Everyone, Music with Everyone
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"Cité Scolaire René Pellet", situated in Villeurbanne, near Lyon, is a specialized school for visually impaired people and, with their flexible organization, builds a disability compensation personalized plan for each student.
It is divided into 3 parts: a primary school, a middle school and a technical high school.
Students are from all across France.
All teachers in the school have a specialization to teach disabled students, especially visually impaired ones. Braille teachers are bound to take part in many different tasks related to visually impaired students.
At Cité Scolaire René Pellet, music has a central place in the schooling of blind and visually impaired pupils- In addition to regular music classes, students are accustomed to the practice of the choral. A batacuda project has also beee carried out to accustom students to the collective practice of instruments, to create a group.
Why "The different colours of music"?
Their contribution to the project is very important and probably add a particular value to our activities. In fact, they are able to show their methods and pedagogy towards all visual pathologies and how they make available many compensation materials. Their specialized teachers display how they teach Braille from the early age to training courses. They demonstrate to the group how cultural and artistic openness is a real opportunity for social inclusion.
Their students will be able to travel and meet foreign friends, and they will be included in the inclusive choir and orchestra.