The Different Colours of Music
Erasmus Plus Project N. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036699

Music for Everyone, Music with Everyone
“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”

The final show "The different colours of music

The script
It was written with the contribution of each partner, both in writing the script and songs
The hymn
See the video in PART V
We created a fairy tale about little boys and girls searching something to re-enable them to achieve fulfilment and to succeed in their lives.
They decide to start a journey through the different European countries and learn, through music, how other people can succeed in their life. So they discover traditional music and rhythms, traditional dances, local musical instruments, famous disabled musicians, local languages, with their musicality on semiological and phonetic levels. In each country the little guys make special experiences. At each step (it corresponds to a partner country), they meet different people, among them poor, immigrants, disabled, disadvantaged who in general are misconsidered by public opinion, and have no space in that society. But the guys are able to see in them special gifts, their inner beauty and, trusting them, they draw out and give a new birth to their hidden skills.
At the end of their trip the two guys will form a group of artists called "The different colours of music", taking part in a common performance (concert, or play or circus) and everybody will be enriched. Even if their disability or their poor social conditions remain, each of them will understand how to use his own talents and potentialities, metaphorically the different colours of the rainbow, how to give value to his own abilities as a member of an inclusive society.
The Colour songs
Περπατώ και τραγουδάω,
perpato kai tragoudao
( I am walking and I am singing)
ήλιο και ελιά θωρώ.
ilio kai elia thoro
( I see the sun and the olive trees)
Με της θάλασσας τ' αγέρι
me tis thalassas t ageri
( with the sea breeze)
θα χορεύω στο ρυθμό.
tha chorevo sto rythmo
( I will dance in the rythm)
I set off with one hope ,
I set off with one belief,
want to find a peaceful homeland,
friends to love and no more grief
Light your happiness with music
Sweeten sadness with a song
Tunes for loneliness and friendship
Life and Music go along
Μας ένωσε η μουσική
Και του Erasmus η φιλία
Σαν μια γιορτή για όλους
Γίνεται η ζωή
Mas enose i mousiki
Ke tou Erasmus I filia
San mia yiorti yia olous
Ginetai I zoi
Music united us
As well as the Erasmus friendship
Like a celebration
Becomes life for everybody
Każdego dnia gdy słyszę ją,
Moc przepełnia duszę mą.
To ona daje radość wciąż mi!
Everyday I can hear it,
Its power fills my soul.
It always gives me joy!
Our love of music brings us here
Friends we have made forever
And we will always
Hold this in our hearts
Préparons un spectacle, mes amis !
Pour montrer ce qui nous réunit
Nous vivons tous sur Terre
Entre nous pas de frontière.
Let's prepare a show, my friends!
To show what brings us together
We all live on Earth
Between us there is no border.
Cada um de nós é uma cor
Cada cor é um país diferente
Vamos colorir o mundo
Pintá-lo de todas as cores
Each one of us is a color
Each color is a different country
Let’s paint the world
With all the colors
In un mondo di rivalità
Puoi trovare tanti nuovi amici.
Canteremo insieme
“viva la diversità”!
In a world of rivalry
You can find a lot of new friends.
We’ll sing together
« hurrah for diversity ».
Siedzę całkiem sam
Nos na kwintę mam
Przykra cisza w uszach dzwoni
Ktoś kolorów też zabronił
Nie chcę być wciąż smutny, sam
Skoro wkoło dźwięki mam
Świat pulsuje na CZERWONO
nasze serca odmieniono
Choć jesteśmy różnych nacji
W jednej dziś nasz śpiew tonacji
I will colour world with notes
Though my music needs no words
Every sound has different colour
All you need to do is follow
( the stanza translated into English)
I’m sitting all alone
Moping around
unpleasant silence in the ears rings
Someone has forbidden the colors.
I don’t want to be alone anymore
If I have my sounds around
The world pulsates in RED
Our hearts are being changed
Although we are from different nations
We are singing in the same key.
Once in a kingdom, far away,
Seeking adventure, a fresh new day.
Full of hope, one belief,
Of a happy life, no more grief.
All the children you can see,
Colouring the world for you and me.
We may be from different lands,
Joining our songs and hearts and hands.
They hear the London bells ‘a’ ringing,
Loud and clear, they hear it singing.
Blue sky washes clouds away,
Making way for a sunny day.
The final show
Part I
Part II
Couplet 1 :
Quand les jours sont plus courts
La ville brille de bougies orangées
Et l’on voit de la tour
Les balcons tout illuminés
Refrain :
Come and visit us, Spero
The colour of my country
Little piece of rainbow
Means peace and harmony
You're always welcome, Spero
Let's be side by side
As the colours of the rainbow
In a world of hospitality
Couplet 2 :
Au coucher du soleil
Les saveurs et les mets parfumés
Mettent les sens en éveil
En écoutant Edith Piaf chanter
Nesta paleta de cores
Existe um arco-íris de tons
O último é o violeta
Com ele pintamos os sons
Together we sing and play
Sharing a symphony
We paint diversity
Surrounded by colours and sounds
Juntos podemos cantar
As notas da mesma canção
Palavras podemos usar
Celebrando a nossa união
Part III
Part IV
Felice per i campi me ne sto,
all’ombra degli ulivi sogno un po’
di un mondo dove tutti insieme in pace si vivrà
solo amore e rispetto ci sarà.
Nutrire la nostra speranza aiuterà
A far del nostro sogno una realtà
Ad ogni incontro arricchiti di nuove abilità,
senza rinunciar alla diversità
Hope, love, get rid of any fears
Enjoy the beauty and trouble disappears,
earth, green, let’s feed our land
through music, so that it will never end.