The Different Colours of Music
Erasmus Plus Project N. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036699

Music for Everyone, Music with Everyone
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Our Erasmus project will last two years and involves eight institutions from six countries; UK, Italy, Greece, Poland, France, and Portugal.
The project entitled, ‘Different Colours Of Music’, is designed around a fairy tale about two guys who journeys through Europe in search of fulfilment and success using music as his guide. They learn about traditional music and dances, local musical instruments, local disabled musicians and local languages. In each country they experience something special, such as music therapy, playing instruments made from recycled materials and developing instruments for the disabled. At the end of the journey, the little guys are enriched, understand how to use their talents and above all how to value their own abilities and those of others in an inclusive society.
The project culminates in a great theatrical production of the fairy tale, performed by an inclusive orchestra, choir and group of actors. This will took place during the last international meeting, in Italy.
One of the main priorities of the project is to promote the awareness of human, cultural and linguistic diversity, through music as a teaching resource in everyday practice. We also aim to develop amongst all pupils, a sense of achievement and self worth; to teach them how to overcome prejudices; to foster equity and inclusion; to enhance the ability to express themselves through music and give them the opportunity to experience the awe and wonder that immersion in such an art can bring to the soul.
"The different colours of music", metaphorically the different colours and potentiality of our skills and ability, will last 2 years in which each phase will be characterized by a colour.
YELLOW PHASE: Activities
- creating a working group
- a common project website
- registretion of our project on E-twinning,
- creation of our YouTube channel
- creation of our Facebook page
- creation of our Instagram prfile
First Transnational Meeting in Greece, November 2017
RED PHASE: Activities:
Logo and slogan competition;
your National Days and Anthem;
your typical musical instruments;
your traditional song.
1st LTT of pupils and Short term of Joint Staff Training (JST): Poland, January 2018. The joint staff will continue to work on the fairy tale. Students will attend workshops and games on activities identifying emotions, non-verbal communication activities, telling stories and express emotions by using different instruments, sounds and objects.
BLUE PHASE: Activities:
- other partners’ traditional song with their own instruments,
- your typical dance;
- other partners typical dance.
2nd LTT of pupils and Short term (JST): UK, May 2018. The joint staff will continue to work on the fairy tale and evaluate the progress of the project. Students will participate to a workshop about music improvisation conveying inner emotions. Workshop on Music Therapy. With the help of music teachers, they will rehearse and play both typical local songs and the new compositions. 2nd questionnaire. Evaluation of the 1st year.
ORANGE PHASE. Beginning 2nd year. Activities:
- Voice and movement Workshop. The main aim of the activity is to experiment singing in an informal context, using body rhythm and movement.
- Vision of films and documentaries to realize how disabled people have given value to their skills and have been successful.
VIOLET PHASE: Activities:
- Searching of the materials to make instruments with recycled materials;
- Playing and performing using them,
- Rehearsal of the fairy tale locally.
3rd LTT of pupils and Short term (JST): Portugal, February 2019. The joint staff will attend a workshop with students about using voice, body and everyday objects to produce sounds and music. Workshop about motor abilities of disabled students that found the right solution to play adapted instruments. Rehearsal of the Erasmus hymn. Public concerts.
GREEN PHASE: Activities:
- “Kahoot game” created just for the project concerning information about geography, music, culture of the partner countries,
- Final adjustments and rehearsal of the fairy tale.
4th LTT of pupils and Short term (JST): Italy, May 2019. Final report discussions, assessment of the questionnaires and evaluation of the whole project. Last preparations and final Public Event: "The Different Colours of Music", to hold in a private theatre in Fasano. Journalists and representatives of local public institutions, families and other schools or association members will be invited. Italian coordinators will make the project t-shirts coloured according to each country colour phase. They will be worn during the final performance by dancers, singers and actors.